
Why Running Your Furnace Fan Continuously Is Not Energy Efficient

As HVAC specialists at Have, Inc., we frequently encounter homeowners who believe that running their furnace fan continuously will help maintain consistent temperatures throughout their home. Today, we’re going to debunk this costly myth and explain why it might be doing more harm than good.

The Common Misconception

Many people think that keeping their furnace fan running 24/7 will:
• Even out temperatures between floors
• Improve air filtration
• Reduce energy costs
• Prevent system wear and tear

The Reality

Continuous fan operation actually:
• Increases electricity consumption significantly
• Creates unnecessary wear on fan motors
• Can introduce more humidity in summer months
• Costs an additional $30-50 per month on average

What You Should Do Instead

The most efficient approach is to use the “Auto” setting on your thermostat. This allows the fan to run only when heating or cooling is needed, which:

• Reduces energy consumption
• Extends equipment life
• Maintains appropriate humidity levels
• Provides adequate air filtration

The Bottom Line

While it might seem logical that constant air movement would improve home comfort, the additional energy consumption and wear on your system simply don’t justify the minimal benefits. For optimal efficiency and comfort, trust your system’s automatic controls to manage fan operation.

Need professional guidance for your heating system? Have, Inc. provides expert consultation and service to ensure your HVAC system operates at peak efficiency. Remember that proper maintenance, not continuous fan operation, is the key to optimal home comfort.